The Quarter Notes
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Moon River video - Youtube
The Quarter Notes video - Youtube


The Quarter Notes:
Chuck Bellman
Dale Garcia
Curt Foster
Nick Watts

Gathering to celebrate the life of Paula Hassler
May 13, 2023, The Lakes of Tempe clubhouse

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To celebrate the life our our mother Paula Hassler, we held a party on her birthday, May 13, 2023. Nearly fifty people attended and many got up to tell stories.

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Left to right: Dr. Michael Wilson led the Tempe Wind Ensemble and Don played bassoon in the group. April and her husband knew Paula as a regular at The Lakes of Tempe parties. Chuck and Jenny used to come over to my parents' house for rehearsals. Don and Chuck played in Jump Jive n' Wailers. Dave and his wife have been our next door neighbors since 1992.

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Alonna and Mark were our parents' neighbors, and included Paula in their out to international lunch club in her last years. Melanie was the publisher of a periodical and hired Paula to sell advertising. Last one in that row is me and my little brother, Bill.
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Deane is a longtime friend who now lives nearby in Tucson. Greta was our family therapist in the 1970s, who became a family friend. Gretchen was our across the street neighbor and hosted many holiday parties for us. We especially celebrated Halloween. Justin is a friend and business associate of my brother's, and also happens to be a pastor. He gave the eulogy and prayers.
ward-family hasslers

Relatives: Ward family (above, left); Carl and Sharon Hassler (right).


Many thanks to everyone for sharing their stories. Special thanks to Pam, seen here with her husband Steve, who took live videos of The Quarter Notes and photographed the memorial for us.


Many thanks to The Lakes of Tempe, Christine, Margo, and staff for the party Gretchen, Brian, and Cole, who helped carry the musicians' equipment, and took care of us when we discovered we had no plates.

The Lakes of Tempe clubhouse hosted Don and Paula's fortieth anniversary in 2010, Don's memorial in 2013, Paula's ninetieth birthday in 2017, and her memorial in 2023.

Family Reunion in Denison, Iowa
April 27, 2023

We traveled to our mother's home town, Denison, Iowa, in late April. Our family has a bench for our grandparents, Martin and Ella Runge, on the Denison Golf course, and that's where we spread the ashes.


Left to right: Aunt Tina and Aunt Brownie, sitting on the bench (my mother's sister and sister-in-law). Standing: Cousins Sarah, Paula, Chrissy, Melissa, Conrad, and me. (Other relatives not in the photo Bill, Judy, might be behind the camera.)

The cemetery is adjacent to the golf club on the west.


Brownie and Chrissy by the Christiansen marker (photo by Conrad).



This is our grandparents' grave marker. My mother owned the two plots next to her parents, so we laid her marker next to her parents.



Late April storm over the golf course.

don hassler Jump Jive n' Wailers founder, Don Hassler (1929 - 2013). band original site - built by Don Hassler c. 2010 family photos including Hawaii 2012 - built by Don Hassler
Hassler genealogy - document collection from Don Hassler and his ancestors
Hassler genealogy photos - built by Don Hassler
Don Hassler obituary and memorial - built by Nori Muster
Capitol Records Interviews - built by Nori Muster
Paula Hassler - her writing, interviews with Paula, and ancestry - built by Nori Muster